HDIC Database

HDIC is an abbreviation of the Integrated Database of Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan.

Early Japan dictionaries

KTB : Kosanjibon Tenrei Bansho Meigi 高山寺本篆隷万象名義
Tenrei Bansho Meigi 篆隷萬象名義, Kozanji copy 高山寺本. monk Kukai of the Heian Period 空海, c. 827-835.
HDIC Viewer and full text (Github).
TSJ : Tenjibon Shinsen Jikyo 天治本新撰字鏡
Shinsen Jikyo 新撰字鏡, Tenji copy 天治本. Buddhist monk Shoju 昌住, c. 898-901.
HDIC Viewer and full text (Github).
ZRM : Zushoryobon Ruiju Myogisho 図書寮本類聚名義抄
Ruiju Myogisho 類聚名義抄, Zushoryo copy 図書寮本, original edition 原撰本. anonymous Buddhist monk, about 1100.
In preparation.
KRM : Kanchi’inbon Ruiju Myogisho 観智院本類聚名義抄
Ruiju Myogisho 類聚名義抄, Kanchi’in copy 観智院本, reorganized edition 改編本. anonymous Buddhist monk, the latter half of the 12th century.
HDIC Viewer.

Medieval China dictionaries

YYP : Yuanben Yupian 原本玉篇
Yupian 玉篇, original edition 原本. Gu Yewang of the Liang dynasty 梁・顧野王, 543.
In preparation.
SYP : Songben Yupian 宋本玉篇
Daguang Yihui Yupian 大広益会玉篇, Song print 宋本. Chen Pengnian of the Song dynasty 宋・陳彭年, 1013.
HDIC Viewer and full text (Github).
GLS : Gaoliben Longkan Shoujing 高麗本龍龕手鏡
Longkan Shoujing 龍龕手鏡, Koryo print 高麗本. monk Xingjun of the Liao Dynasty 遼・行均, 997.
In preparation.

Copyright (C) 2015-2019 HDIC Database Project, IKEDA Shoju (Chair).
平安時代漢字字書総合データベース編纂委員会 (代表、池田証壽)
Department of Linguistics, Hokkaido University Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
North 10, West 7, Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810 Japan
Tel & Fax +81-11-706-3048
E-mail : hdic_info[atmark]let.hokudai.ac.jp (please change [atmark] to @).