About us

The Editorial Committee of HDIC Database Project

The Editorial Committee of HDIC Database Project, was founded for the purpose of compiling an unified database of early Japanese dictionaries, named the Integrated Database of Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan (abbreviated as HDIC).
The Database includes,

  1. Kōsanjibon Tenrei Banshō meigi 高山寺本『篆隷万象名義』
  2. Tenjibon Shinsen Jikyō 天治本『新撰字鏡』
  3. Zushoryōbon Ruiju Myōgi shō 図書寮本『類聚名義抄』
  4. Kanchi’inbon Ruiju Myōgi shō 観智院本『類聚名義抄』

We are currently inputting the headwords and annotation text of these Hanzi Dictionaries, in order to construct an inquiry system. By opening this system to the public, we intend to make a significant contribution to the development of academic research.
A sub-database of dictionaries, compiled in China, including,

  1. Yuanben Yupian 原本『玉篇』残巻
  2. Songben Yupian 宋本『玉篇』(『大広益会玉篇』)
  3. Gaoliben Longkan Shoujing 高麗本『龍龕手鏡』

is also being independently constructed by the research group.
The headwords are being processed in two ways. One is to input the headwords using the computer-readable characters, and the other is to cut a picture of each head word down from a photocopy of the original books. The annotation text, which refers to the pronunciation, meaning and variants of each headword, is inputted using computer-readable text.

  1. 高山寺本『篆隷万象名義』
  2. 天治本『新撰字鏡』
  3. 図書寮本『類聚名義抄』
  4. 観智院本『類聚名義抄』


  1. 原本『玉篇』残巻
  2. 宋本『玉篇』(『大広益会玉篇』)
  3. 高麗本『龍龕手鏡』


  1. 高山寺本《篆隸萬象名義》
  2. 天治本《新撰字鏡》
  3. 圖書寮本《類聚名義抄》
  4. 觀智院本《類聚名義抄》


  1. 原本《玉篇》殘巻
  2. 宋本《玉篇》(《大廣益會玉篇》)
  3. 高麗本『龍龕手鏡』


Current status of this database 現状

  1. Kōsanjibon Tenrei Banshō meigi 高山寺本『篆隷万象名義』, full text version (Github).
  2. Tenjibon Shinsen Jikyō 天治本『新撰字鏡』, full text version (Github).
  3. Zushoryōbon Ruiju Myōgi shō 図書寮本『類聚名義抄』, in preparation. 準備中
  4. Kanchi’inbon Ruiju Myōgi shō 観智院本『類聚名義抄』, limited to internal use. 内部使用限定
  5. Yuanben Yupian 原本『玉篇』残巻, test version.
  6. Songben Yupian 宋本『玉篇』(『大広益会玉篇』), full text version (Github).
  7. Gaoliben Longkan Shoujing 高麗本『龍龕手鏡』, in preparation. 準備中

Contact 連絡

The Editorial Committee of HDIC Database Project
IKEDA Shoju (Chair)
Department of Linguistics, Hokkaido University Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences
North 10, West 7, Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810 Japan
Tel & Fax +81-11-706-3048
E-mail : hdic_info[atmark]let.hokudai.ac.jp (please change [atmark] to @).
060-0810 札幌市北区北10条西7丁目
電話 011-706-3048 (FAX同)
電子メール hdic_info[atmark]let.hokudai.ac.jp ([atmark]を@に変えてください。)